Avalon Code Wiki
Duran's House 1F

Duran's House 1F

Floor 1[]

In game description:

"Duran and Gustav's house. Duran believes that a hero must be clean and proper, so he cleans every morning to ensure his guests see a spot less home."

List of things to explore:

Notice board - "Hero' List of Things to Do: "Help Out in Town""
Desk - "You see a note left on the desk. Hero Lesson #1: "Always smile""
Flowers - "A beautiful flower arrangement. Better not handle them."
Reward for all - Tablet of Hero's Hat

Floor 2[]

Duran's House 2F

In game description:

"2F of Duran and Gustav 's house. Gustav used to live at home but now he stays at the Training Hall, it serves as a guest room"

List of things to explore:

Flowers - "A pleasant scent comes from the flowers"
Bed - "A fluffy-looking bed. The owner is clearly a neat freak."
Bookcase - A dairy entry. "Better stay quiet about Durandal ." (Come back with the right Metalize!)"