Avalon Code Wiki
Granatum Forest 11-0


  • The forest fairy legend says they take the form of a pretty girl to ask their questions about humans. It's cute the way they'll keep listening, but their questions never stop! Try leaving and they'll throw a fit. It's best to avoid them, but people still hope to meet them someday.

Extra Info:

  • To get the Forest Flower Decoration (Green Metalize Tablet), you need to discover each of the Exploration Points. Well worth the difficult search site...

Explore (3):

  • Cliff on the North side, slightly right of the page crease. "Looking up at the great cliff can feel overwhelming."
  • Directly left of the above spot, the cliff curves toward the South before retreating into another indentation. Search the point that the cliff is the closest to the South. "It may be possible to climb up this crag, but the fall would be long."
  • Very difficult to find. From the center of the page, follow the crease down until there are some small grass tufts on your right. There is a little one to the Northwest of that patch. Stand slightly above that patch and head right, constantly hitting A as you go to find this one. (Alternative option is to just look at the picture and see if you can get it that way.) "This area is relatively bare in vegetation." 
