Avalon Code Wiki
Romaioni's House 1F

Romaioni's House 1F

Floor 1[]

In game description:

"Romaioni and Francesca 's home. Their desks are littered with books about making money. Ramaioni sleeps on the left and Francesca on the right."

List of things to explore:

Safe - "A safe just sitting there."
Left desk - "Covered in books on how to make good money."
Right desk - "Money-making lesson #1:"Time is money""
Reward for all - None

People in area:

Francesca starts with Ice x1, Lightning x1 and Cat x4

Adjacent area:

Through door - Center of town

Romaioni's House 2F

Romaioni's House 2F

Floor 2[]

In game description:

"2F of Romaioni 's house. A large vault fills most of it, while iron covers the walls. This thick door is never closed as the two like to see their treasure."

List of things to explore:

Safe - "A giant metal safe. Must be full of something great!"
Gold bars - "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! These are all real!"
Gold pile - "Should you really be in here!"
Reward for all - None