Avalon Code Wiki
Granatum Forest 5


  • Cover your ears to hear different sounds. The chirping birds, rustling trees, splashing water, and chorusing bugs. Infinite noises fill nature.
  • Scan: None

Extra Info:

  • Area is broken into two. Players entering from one side cannot reach the other. 
  • To reach the "Southern" half of the map, you need to enter from Granatum Forest 1.

Explore (3):

  • Southern half of map. Patch of light green moss in the upper-right section. Look slightly above the "M" made out of a dirt patch on the right side border. "A nice breeze blows."
  • Southern half of map. Search river slightly left of exactly north of the "M" patch of dirt on the Left side of the page crease. "The river slowly flows. How far does it go?"
  • Southern half of map. Find the "M" dirt patch slightly right of the page crease. Then look for a small dark green tuft of grass to the right. Go directly down from that patch and search the forest when you can move no further. See picture on right for reference. "Many creatures live in the forest."