Avalon Code Wiki



  • This street is "Playboy Gramps Road," home to Vis. One walk down this road, and you'll be beating them off with sticks. Twice, and it's marriage, three times, you'll be desired for life! Least that's what Vis says. Too bad it's always empty.
  • Battle: None
  • Scan: Vis (by door)
  • Exits: Road to Castle (left), Vis' House Inside (right), Arena (down, one-way)

Extra Info:

Explore (3):

Vis's House Outside
  • Center left, crates by the house: "A Rhoan custom is to leave wooden boxes outside one's home as a charm."
  • Center left, flowerbed by the door: "The Rhoan plant flowers, mindful of each flower's meaning."
  • Center right, flowerbed by south border: "Don't go too far down.."



  • The home of self-proclaimed playboy-grampa Vis. For always talking about being popular, his home is quite empty. Perhaps a reflection of his true self.
  • Battle: None
  • Exits: Vis' House (outside, down)

Extra Info:

  • A lot of people miss the Cookie, so make sure to scan it. It is inside Vis' House on the table.
  • You can usually find Vis standing outside his house
  • Talk to Vis to unlock the gift-giving/affection option
  • Now you can give gifts to people if it shows in their menu when you talk to them

Explore (3):

Vis's House Inside
  • Center left, large bookshelf (face left at bookshelf): "More! Vol. 12 of Popular People: "Best Dating Spots Edition!""
  • Center right, large standing mirror (face right at mirror): "A glistening mirror, you can imagine Vis staring at himself for hours."
  • Bottom right, small bookshelf (face right at bookshelf): "More! Vol. 6 of Popular People: "Message of Love Edition!""

