Avalon Code Wiki
Witch's hidden room 1


  • A dungeon built under Nanai's house. It takes considerable effort to get out once you're in.
  • Battle: None
  • Scan: None

Extra Info:

  • Healing: Heal boxes and vases are located here for HP & MP restore
  • Vases or Pots give MP
  • Boxes give HP

Access to the Dungeon:

  • The first time you enter this dungeon will be early in the game when Nanai trips a trap door under you.
  • You will not be able to get back into here until very late in the game
  • So do your exploring and gold medaling the first time through this dungeon unless you want to wait almost the hole game to get back in
  • After Nanai drops you in the first time, then all other times you will have to use Map Warp to warp into the dungeon

Leaving the Dungeon:

  • The first time that you leave the dungeon then a cutscene will automatically trigger so you won't know where the dungeon exits out to.
  • After you gain Map Warp and go through the dungeon again, then you will see that the dungeon exits out to Nanai's House 1F. You will be standing on her inside stairs.

Explore (5):

  • Top left, corner room column (face left at corner/column): "Only part of it is polished."
  • Top right, corner room column (face right at corner/column): "Something that looks like words is carved into it."
  • Bottom right, corner room column (face right at corner/column): "There's evidence of carvings."
  • Bottom left, corner room column (face left at corner/column): "There's something in the pillar! Oh, it's just your face..."
  • Center, exact center of the room (face any direction): "You found a glowing stone. Who dropped it here?"